Agriculture Extension One Liner Questions for UAF Entry Test

Agriculture Extension One Liner Questions for UAF Entry Test
Agriculture Extension One Liner Questions for UAF Entry Test

Agriculture Extension One Liner Questions. Agriculture Extension One Liner Questions for Postgraduate Entry Test Preparation. Agriculture Extension One Liner Questions for GAT Test. Agriculture Extension One Liner Questions for GRE Test.

Which of following is the technique to avoid the plagiarism————-?Paraphrasing
Which of following is the right way for the textual citation————-?Ahmad (2002) stated that——
The Paraphrasing involves the——————Changing vocabulary
Which one are not the idiomatic & the colloquial vocabulary———–?Father
Which one of the following is acronym—————-?UNESCO
The “K” means the—————?Thousand
Which one is of the following correct——————-?University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
To express the possessiveness for the singular, the collect sentence is the——————The Director’s secretary
The abstract includes the ————————–Background, methods, results and conclusions
If the person or group helped you by giving advice, funding, mentorship, editorial assistance, & practical support, it’s the good idea to give them the shout out in the———————Acknowledgements
The Specific objectives are the part of the ——————–Introduction
The Chronological style can be adopted to write the————–Review of literature
The Penal discussion is best for the—————-?Showing varying points of views
The Recommendations should be based on the —————-Findings
Which one of following is not considered as the plagiarism—————?Presenting the results of your own research
The Colons (:) used to the—————Introduce explanations
The Paraphrasing involves the—————Changing vocabulary
Which one is not idiomatic & the colloquial vocabulary—————?Father
The inverted pyramid style is generally used to write the—————Introduction
Which one of the following is the correct—————-?University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
The chronological style is generally used to write the—————–Review of literature
To express the possessiveness for the singular, the collect sentence is the——————The Director’s secretary
The abstract includes the——————-Background, methods, results and conclusions
The construction of the research instrument is the sub heading of the—————–Methodology
If the person & group helped you by giving the advice, the funding, mentorship, editorial assistance, & practical support, it’s the good idea to give them a shout out in the—————-Acknowledgements
The specific objectives are the part of the——————Introduction
In the—————— the author should avoid verbal repetition of the figuresResults and discussion
The chronological style can be adopted to write the—————–Review of literature
The focus of the symposium is on the————–?More than one point of views
The Recommendations should be based on the—————Synthesis of literature
The Impact Factor Journal is known as the—————-W category journal
Agri. Extension is the type of the ——————-educationNon-formal
There is the ——————with respect to age and interest in the context of the formal educationRural community
The Communities can be categorized terms of the——————–Geography
The Elements & characteristics of the community development—————A defined locality
Community sentiments
Similarity (All these are correct)
Word educate comes from_________________Latin word
The Informal education is the_______________Life long process
Individual learning from daily experience
Learning from exposure (All these are correct)
The major challenges faced by community____________Lack of motivation
Illiteracy (Both these are correct)
V Aid was the Pakistan first formal attempt toward the rural development________________1952
The Basic democratic system (BDS) starts in the____________1959
The IRDP ends in the____________1971
The T &V extension system was introduced in the Punjab & Sindh respectively________________1978 & 1979
Approach in which the implementation is often decentralized and flexible————————–Participatory Extension Approach
Approach concentrates efforts on the particular location, for the specific time period, often with the outside resources——————The Project Approach
Approach in which message tends to be delivered to the producer in the time——————The Commodity Specialized Approach
The training and Visit System was Introduced in the Pakistan—————1978
The organization of the T&V was based on the total number of the —————that the extension worker could reasonably be expected to the coverFarm Families
The success is measured in the adoption rate of the recommendations and increases in the national productionThe General Extension Approach
The Top Down Oriented Approach the————-The General Extension Approach
To increase the agricultural production of the subsistence farmers was the main objective of the ——————approachThe General Extension Approach
The FSR/E approach was developed to give the considerable attention for improving the————–condition in the developing countries:Small Farmers
The bottom up & micro to macro orientation approach—————-Farming System Research and Extension Approach
The success is often measured by the willingness to pay the—————Cost Sharing Approach
The present agricultural extension system runs by the governmental department of the agriculture in the Punjab province involves the extension work through the———————Extension Field School
The training and Visit Approach is the——————Top-down (All these are correct)
Autocratic in decision-making
The approach uses educational institutions which have technical the knowledge and some research ability to provide the extension services for the rural people————–The Educational Institutional Approach
Who is the father of the Extension Education————-?J. P. Leagans
The training and Visit System Started in the————–1974
The current generation of the agricultural extension is the————-2nd
Which is the extension education principle—————?Leadership
The china has to feed the —————–of the world’s population1/5
The agricultural Extension system started in the China—————–1924
The word “Extension” was the first time used in the 1840 in which the country——————Britain
The training and Visit system was first time started in the————-India
First Agriculture University was established at the Pantnagar (India) in the ——————–1960
The Indian Council of the Agriculture Research (ICAR) was established in the—————1929
Biggest farmers’ association in the Turkey is the————-TZOB
Project of the ‘’Organic Agriculture for the Turkey’’ was founded by the——————–EU
The Japanese extension system for the agriculture was started in the————–?1948
Japanese agriculture system has the —————–structure?Three-tier
Increase the efficiency of the agricultural production through the use of the proven technologies” falls in which category of the objectives of rural youth programs in agricultural extension—————-?Economic objectives
The “Enabling the youth to become patriotic member of the community” falls in which the category of the objectives of rural youth programs in the agricultural extension————–?Social objectives
All type of the objectives of the rural youth programs in agricultural extension put stress on the————–1st and 3rd
According to the philosophy of the rural youth programs, the programs are the—————-2nd and 3rd
The philosophy of the rural youth programs covers the which areas—————Youth
Organization (All these are correct)
Which type of the youth benefits more from the governmental initiatives————?Organized
What is the nature of the rural youth programs—————?Participatory
What is the range of the age of the youth, according to the definition of the youth, given in the Punjab Youth Policy, 2012——————-?15-29
The core values would be developed among the youth by focusing which constitution under the Punjab youth policy 2012————–?1973 constitution
The framework of the Punjab youth policy 2012, the focuses on the————-Globalization
International donors
Extended funding on bases of public-private partnership (All these are correct)
Which is not the included in the challenges to the youth————-?Youth talent
The CM Punjab Laptop scheme was initiated in the which year—————?2012
The young farmer’s club exist in all the countries in the———-1st and 2nd
The 4-H means the————–Head
Hands and health (All these are correct)
In ______________ individual has the negative& positive attitude toward the innovationPersuasion
In the at the ___________ individual looks for the support for his & her decisionConfirmation
The degree to which the innovation is perceived as better than the idea it supersedes is known as the—————–Relative advantage
The degree to which an innovation is perceived as being consistent with the existing values, the past experiences, and the needs of the potential adopters is known as the—————–Compatibility
The degree to which an innovation is perceived as difficult to the understand and use is known as the—————–Complexity
The degree to which an innovation may be experimented with on the limited basis is known as the—————Trialability
The degree to which the results of the innovation are visible to the others is known as the————–Observability
In the adopters’ categorization, the innovators constitute for the—————–2.5percent
In adopters’ categorization, the early adopters constitute for the—————-13.5percent
In adopters’ categorization, the late majority constitute for the————34percent
The adopters who are venturesome, daring, and the risk takers are known as the————-Innovators
Opinion leaders known as the—————-Early adopters
The adopters who interact frequently with the peers and deliberate before adopting the new idea are known as the—————-Early majority
Adopters who are more traditional and remained sticked with old practices are known as the————Laggards
Agriculture Extension One Liner Questions

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